Energy Management

Today there have never been more choices in electricity service. Previously there was one retailer – one rate. Now there are dozens of retailers offering multiple rate and term options. American Enerpower assists clients needing commercial and industrial retail service. American Enerpower developed to assist clients needing residential electricity service.


Energy Management

Electricity and natural gas rates, terms and retailer options are available through our Energy Management Program. Assistance for commercial and industrial clients is provided on when to execute a contract, which provider has high credit worthiness and service, and how long to execute a contract that achieves real savings. Minimizing price risk is also a major goal of the Energy Management program. For assistance for residential electricity rates visit


Electric power lines allow bulk transmission of electricity from a generating site, such as a power plant, to an electricity substation. Natural gas pipelines allow transmission of natural gas from a production field to a generating site. Details

Demand Response

By working with clients, retailers and the state, we establish programs to reduce client electricity usage during critical system wide demand periods and compensate clients for participating. Details

Arbitrage and Ancillaries

Arbitrage of excess electricity results in selling power back to the grid or to others. Selecting the right time to sell is critical to profitability.

Ancillaries are fees earned by providing primary or standby backup power to the grid. Providing this service results in profits to the provider and a more resilient electricity grid. Details

Carbon Neutral

Carbon neutrality is a state of net-zero carbon dioxide emissions. This can be achieved by balancing emissions of carbon dioxide with its removal or by eliminating emissions. Organizations are increasingly being mandated to achieve net-zero goals and we are here to help you achieve those. Details

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